Sunday, June 13, 2010

Relaxing Sunday

Today's been a nice relaxing day - that ought to be good for these new stem cells.

We did find a church to go to this morning - Crossroads Bible Church. The message was in English - the singing was a mixture of English and Spanish and was very good. We met the pastor and his wife, Steve and Heather Gunn, and they were very friendly.

The second person we met was Keith Forster who has lived in Panama for the last 40 years - but he has a daughter who lives in Waxahachie! Pretty amazing. Keith and his sweet wife, Wilma, gave us a ride home during a downpour that started as soon as church was over. It was easy finding a taxi from our apt to the church, but finding a taxi in the rain for the return trip was going to be difficult, so Keith & Wilma were truly angels.

Seems like wherever you are, you can go to worship and feel at home.

Hasta mañana!


  1. Thanks for spending your time and energy posting this blog. I knew how the canal worked but it was interesting to see your account of it. I was really amazed at the cost but I guess is saves money in fuel and labor.

    Hot and humid in my part of the country so your not missing much here.

    Will continue to pray that God will use this treatment to heal you and we can give him the credit.

    I am sure this is rough on Kathy too. Keeping her in my prayers.

    Keep your spirits up, sounds like things are going well.

    Larry & Vicki

  2. Hi Sam and Kathy - We are praying and thinking of you a lot and are "lifting you up" here in Abilene! We had lunch with the Felts yesterday and talked about yall and how great you look in the pictures. Take care and know how much we love you! Gwen

  3. Sam,

    Been following your blog. Good to see you doing well. Praying for you.

    Dennis in Lakeway
