Judi, her sister Sharon, Jack, Jean, and I all had a very interesting and enlightening trip to the Cell Medicine Lab today. It's out near the canal in an area called the City of Knowledge (pic) - they only do research and testing in this area - no clinics or hospitals. This complete area was built by the Americans while they were here running the canal, so all of the buildings look alike. (pic)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Judi, her sister Sharon, Jack, Jean, and I all had a very interesting and enlightening trip to the Cell Medicine Lab today. It's out near the canal in an area called the City of Knowledge (pic) - they only do research and testing in this area - no clinics or hospitals. This complete area was built by the Americans while they were here running the canal, so all of the buildings look alike. (pic)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Happy Anniversary
Kathy & I celebrate our 31st anniversary today - she is at Cook Ranch near Albany with good friends and family - Sittons, Felts, Clarks & Harrells, and I'm in Panama and was at Monkey Island today. Touring the island cost $35 ($36.75 with tax) and I saw 4 monkeys and one turtle (pics) - that comes out to $9 per monkey and .75 for the turtle, so I hope you really enjoy the pictures.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Monday, Monday
I included a picture of the Punta Pacifica Hospital (John Hopkins affiliated) where the clinic is located. The STI clinic is not in the hospital, but it’s right beside it. We were in the hospital for the lipo procedure, but all of the injections and IV’s take place in the clinic. I also included a picture of Judy, another MS patient from the DFW area. She’s been a trooper in my eyes – this is her 3rd week – her husband was here the first week, her sister is here this third week, and her daughter is coming the fourth week, but during that second week, she was here by herself! Knowing how much Kathy and J&J have done for me, I really admire Judy for being such a warrior.
Hope those Presidents catch some sierras like I did.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Our Last Sunday
We will be coming home on Saturday, so this was our last chance to attend the Bible Church that Kathy & I located that first Sunday. Jack & Jean really liked this church as well. The singing was really good again, and J & J got to meet Keith and Wilma. (pic) This is the couple who has a daughter in Waxahachie (Dr. Gorman) - they invited us out for lunch, and the Napoli restuarant was excellent. Keith told us that this restuarant had been in Panama since the 50's and that it's big favorite of the locals. He also shared some stories of the years in Panama when Noriega was in power - very restless times for Americans who were living here. Since they have been in Panama for almost 40 years, they obviously can speak the language well and drive in the city. I've told you about the drivers here, and Wilma gets in her Toyota and jumps right in the middle of them - she's good!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Friday continued
Friday, June 25, 2010
Double Cell Day
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
Because this was a Thursday and all I did was morning PT, I had determined that there wasn't really anything to Blog about. I had decided everyone could take a day off. Well, about the time I made that decision, the apt phone rang (this phone only connects to downstairs). When I picked it up thinking "who would be calling on this phone?", the voice on the other end said, "Sam, this is Felton Smith - we're downstairs!"
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Mercado de Publico
Jack & Jean went to the public market this morning - they have a fish, a meat, and a fruit & vege market all in the same area - everything is fresh, and they cut it up for you right there. They are fileting the fish or cutting toes off chicken feet (so you can cook the chicken feet) or cutting beef right off the bone. Maybe you can see some of those sights from the pics. J & J bought some sierra, the same fish I caught on Saturday - the market people said it was the best in Panama! (Enrique say "Good Fish.") And how about the size of the shrimp!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Market Day
After PT this morning and lunch at the apt, Jack & Jean wanted to go look around at a local market - homemade things from carvings, to jewelry, to purses, and clothes and much more. We have found an English-speaking taxi-driver whom we can call, so we called Luiz and went to the market. Jean found plenty, and I think she got the best prices in the whole place - she bargained hard!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Long day for me / Short day for blog
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Restful Sunday
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Great day of Eagle Fishing

Let me explain my title. We went fishing today thanks totally to the Abilene High football coaches. Steve Warren called me back in March and said "We want to donate some money for your trip but we have one requirement - it must be used for fishing. Yes, we want you to have a nice get-a-way day and just go fishing." That was so thoughtful and generous of those state champs, so today was our Eagle fishing day.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Busy Friday
Well today is a full day. We've been to the fitness center where we had the normal PT. But also today the nutritionalist met with us and went over the best diet for us and possible supplements. They want you on an anti-inflammatory diet - I didn't know what that would be but I do now - and I even know why my body needs that diet. When I use that word "diet", don't think that means eating less than I am - quite the opposite - on this diet, I may weigh 250 lbs in 3 months.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Favorite Book & Good News
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Routine Day
Another day of simply Physical Therapy, so not too much to report. Ivan is doing a good job - very patient and encouraging. Everyone in the workout facility was tuned into the World Cup. Since Panama's team is not in the WC, many different flags are being flown around here - seems like the most popular teams here are Brazil and Spain.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Tuesday - 2nd week
Monday, June 14, 2010
2nd Week begins
For the next 3 weeks I will be on the same schedule - Mon & Fri will be PT and injection day; Tue, Wed, & Thur will be PT only. So today I went to PT before lunch then had my 3rd injection at 3:30 - as always, after the injection, I had to come home and lie flat for over 3 hours. I got up at 7:30, and Kathy had a tasty tuna salad with a big bowl of fruit salad waiting on me.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Relaxing Sunday
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Weekend sights
Yesterday's 2nd injection went fine - no headaches or chills or fever. No improving signs yet but it's too early.
Friday, June 11, 2010
End of Week One
Thursday, June 10, 2010
20 lbs lighter
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Stem Cells have landed
Well I got my first treatment today - injection of cord blood stem cells in the spinal area. The lady in the picture, Dr. Tribaldos, was the one who administered it. Didn't really hurt - Dr. T did a good job. They then sent me "home" to lie flat for 3 to 4 hours - guard against the headaches. I'm up now and think I'm doing fine.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Visit to The Canal
Monday, June 7, 2010
First Day at SCI
We had our first visit at the Stem Cell Institute this morning, and all went well. We met with Dr. Paz, who is the director of the clinic, and he went over everything and answered all questions. He practiced for 12 years in San Antonio before coming to Panama in order to do more work with stem cells.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Live from Panama
Well, we made it to Panama City - here's the view toward the hospital from our room - as you can see Panama City is a big place.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Final day

We leave in the morning - Saturday - I'm ready and excited - we heard good news from Steve Betik yesterday - he was on the treadmill at PT! He told Suzie that he was using his cane less and felt stronger. That is exciting and I'm so happy for him. This is his 2nd week - he has 2 more weeks so we will see him tomorrow when we arrive in Panama.