Well, our little trip to find raspados was quite enjoyable and enlightening. Luis, our favorite taxi driver, took us to find a street vendor then he took us to the park that is below us and next to the ocean.(see the video first for this view - this video is at the bottom of the blog) We've been looking at this park from the 22nd floor and when you get down there, it is much larger and very nice. Plus when you get down there everything else looks bigger and different.
For istance, we didn't realize the Trump Tower was so large and was concave shaped. We also got a picture from this new angle of the island with the white "house" on it; plus a shot of the ships waiting in line for entrance to the Canal; some more Frigate birds swooping around looking for some birds with food; a shot of people playing in the park; and a photo of the rough rocks that are all along the shoreline (now we know why we don't ever see kids jumping in the water down there).
Now, back to those delicious raspados. You see the vendor making one - he puts the snow-cone cup in his ice shaver, flips it over with one flick of his wrist, and begins scraping the ice - it takes him about 10 seconds to fill that cup. Then you choose your flavor - the best one was maracuya - Luis told us that was the best flavor and he was right. Not sure you can see the condensed milk swirled around on top of Jean's maracuya, but it's there and it was good.
This blog entry is free - no charge - your extra entry for the day. I wanted to give you a feel of what we saw from the park, and I wanted you to know what it was like to find the raspados vendor. This one didn't have his umbrella up because it wasn't too sunny, but the raspados were still good - just didn't get the full affect of chasing down a vendor with his umbrella. You definitely need to put raspados on your "must do" list for your trip to Panama - and don't forget maracuya is The Flavor.
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